Saturday, 31 October 2009

my tv for the last two days...

...reveals that I'm a giant nerd. What a surprise!

Thursday night:

7.30pm - 10pm I watched E4 on my television (which I do have a license for!)

I tuned in specifically for How I Met Your Mother, a sitcom which features the masterstroke of being just enough like Friends to be familiar, but just different enough to be fresh. That, and I adore Neil Patrick Harris in it.

After that, the real Friends came on, so I watched with half a brain - the other half focussed on my laptop. Look at me multitask! I'm so familiar with Friends, though, that I still know where to laugh at the jokes when it's been dubbed in Catalan so it's not really that impressive.

Then it was the new episodes of Scrubs, so I stuck around to watch them because I'm fond of the show, it's funny and since they were new episodes, I knew I wouldn't have seen them before. It wasn't brilliant - I do think it's running out of steam now that it's on series umpty-thrumpty. They're making Dr Kelso a good guy for goodness sake!

10pm - 12am-ish I took control of my viewing and broke out the boxset! I actually watch on my laptop because of several reasons:

*my DVD player attached to my TV is only actually semi-attached and you get the most awful fuzzy colour effect which just ruins it
*with the wonder of Mac's DVD Player app, you only have to watch the warnings at the beginning once  since it remembers where you last were

I watched three episodes of the boxset I got from the Academy library: Battlestar Galactica. From the amount I mention this in class, it's pretty obvious I'm a fan, but it really is one of the best shows on television (yes, it still counts as "on" because while the seasons are done, Edward James Olmos is determined to fill in every gap with "specials" [that is, when he isn't advising the UN {and no, I'm not joking}]  like Razor and The Plan) so I make no apologies. Three episodes in a row though... it's not exactly the sunniest programme in the world and a marathon makes for tough viewing.

Friday morning:

8am, I woke up to "time thieve" the latest episode of Supernatural which aired in America last night. Yup, I actually got up early in order to see it as soon as possible. It's a show I follow closely, and another which I'm a fan of, so it does matter that I see it soon - I couldn't wait the months it would take to come out on British TV. This is a case where I wish Hulu was accessible in Britain.

In the evening, I watched How I Met Your Mother at 7.30pm on E4, for the same reasons as above. I watch it whenever I'm in at that time, but it still isn't "appointment viewing" - if it was a choice between going out to the cinema, or just round to a friend's, I wouldn't mind missing the new episode.

After a gap of chatting on the phone and making some dinner (and by "make" I mean "heat up" [and by "heat up" I mean "eat cold"]), I watched Have I Got News For You at 9pm on BBC1. I like those kinds of topical news quizzes, and I especially like the blend of Ian Hislop and Paul Merton's humour. This is another show which, on the kind of night where absolutely nothing is happening, a re-run on Dave or the like is good entertainment.

Once that was over, it was back to BSG. This time, I watched four episodes (they're gripping!) and just stopped because it was midnight and I have a bus to catch tomorrow. Though, I have kinda negated that decision by blogging, but I'm away for the weekend and would rather get this complete.

Total hours: 7 hours, 30 minutes.

Not to sound like I'm making excuses, but this result is slightly skewed by the fact I'm gorging on a boxset at the moment. Usually, I watch a lot less unless something specific I like is on.

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