Monday, 28 June 2010

Filming log: The Root of Love

Let's start by saying what we all definitely, scarringly, learned:
  • don't go out filming for ten hours in the scorching heat without factor 50 sun cream
  • no seriously, don't
 That aside, day 1 of Root of Love went very well. We whizzed through the schedule, had excellent co-operation from the Glasgow Fort staff, who went as far as to turn off the music from the whole complex for us. There were a few crazies (a NED who barked like a dog to ruin a take, and someone who insistently asked to be an extra and who apparently knew a brilliant location nearby and would we like to take a look?) but not nearly so many as I expected.

My role was to take note of the timecode, and I'm glad I did because it made capturing so much easier. Day 2, when I wasn't there, is a different story.

I wanted to be as efficient as possible with my duties as editor, because I think that if I leave it for three months, the enthusiasm and the energy just won't be there. Besides, it's not too much to ask that I put in the hours now, when the pre-production team have been working so hard before.

Therefore, I didn't go on set on day 2, but came into the academy to capture and then organise everything to appease my OCD tendencies. It was all very straightforward, though it did give me the chance to try out the trick I learned from Murray, using an excel document to log the clips. Saved a lot of time, allowing me to put together a very rough edit of the rushes, enough to advise Meg on whether we needed more coverage.

And so, I've just been editing away, and I'm really happy with how it looks. There's one small problem of coverage, which I haven't been able to find a way to fix aside from cutting around it, but all in all that's not a bad result. The process has given me a horror of filming in shopping centres, because dear god they're noisy. I don't know any way to fix that unless we actually dubbed the whole thing.

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