Wednesday, 5 May 2010

I agree with Nick

My main feelings about the election and the way it has been conducted are despair, nausea and apathy.

The BBC is shackled by its requirement for balance, meaning that it can't express any actual opinion on what happens, theoretically so we can make up our own mind, but really just making them bend over backwards not to truly probe anyone. The other networks are plagued by quite the opposite problem, especially Sky News, the official channel of Rupert Murdoch and his best friend Dave. The introduction of televised debates invites squabbling among the smaller parties and allows Nick Clegg to be named most popular man in Britain simply by not having a face that has either melted or is in the process of melting.

It's an American conceit, and it transfers poorly to Britain in my opinion. In America they talk about lofty abstracts, while here we discuss the minutae of OAP's bus passes. Both are important, but majestic oration looks a lot better onscreen.

My least favourite things of all are the rampant visual metaphors: explaining politics in terms of three piglets named Gordon, Dave and Nick doesn't make you accessible, it makes you stupid. The graphics are an improvement on the last election, where we were treated to hideous computer modellings of the three leaders sprinting down a virtual Downing St, but are still overly complicated and flashy.

I think what people really want to know is what each party stands for, and their previous records. I'd also love to see some more passion in the way politics is covered - is no one else angry and disillusioned? When Gordon talks about his excellent record as Chancellor, why does no one challenge him and point out that he's lying through his teeth and has been for over a decade?

The media is as part of the dance of politics as the MPs in Westminster, and while they talk about the desire for change in Britain, they do nothing to help it.

I'm looking forward to Channel 4's "Alternative Election Night" which promises to at least be a laugh.

I'll be voting tomorrow, but I don't hope that any party who wins will be any good. Tragic to see such cynicism in one so young.

1 comment:

J Watson said...

enjoy this comment notification, even if it isn't very exciting. :]

Trying to equate Britland and Americaland politics will never work - they function so differently and were founded on such different prinicples, despite both being classed as democratic. Silly us!

I keep referencing the Alternative Election Night and so few people seem to have watched it. :/ It's a shame because it was hilarious ♥ (also, charlie brooker & brian cox, i could go on but savour those) (I don't know why I'm telling you, I know you watched it like it was God's given word.)

But eugh, this election business is pretty much a fail now, isn't it? Votes cast, nationwide indecision. Labour, Tory, LibDems essentially reduced a huge, hung mess.

And then everyone'll forget about it all until the next general election, except comedians who'll quietly provide us lolz while they're allowed to be partial on TV. OH WELL.

What we need is a casually benevolent pair of dictators, whose first act will be to pass a law stating the illegality of getting up at 8am following a night of staying up and being caught in the perils of the interwebs. Obviously.